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Texas’ New Pet Protection Laws

National Dog Day is coming up on August 26th. We have many reasons to celebrate our canine companions … and a few things to celebrate on their behalf. There have been quite a few new laws passed in recent years…

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6 Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy

International Cat Day is August 8th. Kitties are really the purrfect little pets and companions. Their cute faces, amusing quirks, and larger-than-life personalities have all helped them earn spots in our hearts and on our laps, as well as the…

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Keeping Fido Cool

Summer can be brutally hot here in the Lone Star State, with temps in some areas regularly hitting over 100. You’ll need to pay close attention to your canine pal in this weather. It’s very easy for dogs to overheat…

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Taking Pet Photos

July 11th may be one of the most adorable pet holidays on the calendar: it’s All American Pet Photo Day! We never get tired of seeing cute pictures of our furry friends. However, while Fido and Fluffy certainly take great…

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Gray and white kitten

Ice Cream For Kitties

Does your kitty have a sweet tooth? Fluffy isn’t supposed to be able to taste sweetness, but she apparently never got that memo. Quite a few of our feline patients love eating things like cake, cookies, and doughnuts. It’s best…

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Protecting Fido From Rattlesnakes

Summer in Texas can be brutally hot. While people may have divided opinions about the heat, Texas’ slithering denizens are all about it. Although rattlesnake encounters are most common during their mating season, which is February and March, they can…

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North Star Animal Hospital