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Signs of Dental Issues in Dogs

February is Pet Dental Care Month! Did you know that up to 80 percent of adult dogs have some form of gum disease? Although gum disease is painless and asymptomatic at first, it is very dangerous. The infection can spread…

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How to Keep Your Pet Safe on Thanksgiving

Is your pet ready for Thanksgiving? Like many holidays, it brings with it a few potential hazards for our furry friends. Use your San Antonio, TX veterinarian’s tips, found below, to keep your pet safe and sound when Turkey Day…

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The Benefits of Adopting a Senior Dog

Did you know that November is Adopt a Senior Dog Month? Senior dogs make wonderful pets, but unfortunately, they often have a very hard time getting adopted. A San Antonio, TX veterinarian lists some of the benefits of adopting older…

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Your Dog’s Dental Care Needs

Have you looked at your dog’s teeth lately? Your canine buddy’s dental health is very important to his overall health and well-being. But just what does Fido need as far as dental care? Below, a Castle Hills, TX vet discusses…

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North Star Animal Hospital