Season’s Greetings! We know that many of you have your hands full with seasonal events and festivities at this time of year. It’s always nice to relax and unwind, and take part in some beloved holiday traditions. Of course, our feline patients have a few things on their agenda over the next few weeks as well. A local San Antonio, TX vet lists some adorable ones below.
Kitties are more or less hardwired for this one. Fluffy pretty much thinks that you just gave her a giant kitty jungle gym, hung with cat toys. If you put a manger below your tree, your cat will probably also amuse herself by knocking the little figurines over. You can try to make the tree a bit less tempting to your mischievous little pet. Putting most of the decorations on the top part of the tree may help. Using tinfoil as a tree skirt is also worth a shot.
No one really knows why cats are so obsessed with boxes. However, it’s probably safe to say that your furball will appropriate some of those empty ones for herself once everyone has opened their gifts. Want to really get that motor going? Have the kids make Fluffy a box castle!
Kitties get a lot of flack for being cold and aloof, but that isn’t really fair. Many cats are very cuddly. They are also quite appreciative of the love, care, catnip, toys, food, treats, lap space, and boxes we offer. Fluffy may try to show her gratitude by helping you out with things like changing sheets and wrapping gifts.
Our feline pals take great pictures! Snap some cute seasonal pics of Fluffy. These can make purrfect additions to holiday greetings and emails.
On the other paw, Fluffy may very well take the opposite approach. If you deliberately try to snap your furry buddy’s picture, she may foil your plans by running away, moving, or just looking in the other direction.
Don’t forget to get your kitty a few gifts of her own. Toys are of course at the top of Fluffy’s wish list.
All of us here at North Star Animal Hospital, your local San Antonio, TX veterinary clinic, hope you (and your pets) have a wonderful holiday season. Contact us anytime!