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Holiday Pet Boarding Tips

November 1, 2021

The holidays are coming up quick! Are you planning to go away for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year? If so, you may want to bring your furry friend to a kennel. As much as we love our animal friends, they just can’t go everywhere with us. A local Rockwall, TX vet offers some advice on boarding pets over the holidays in this article.

Book In Advance

Holiday travel is looking a lot more normal this year than it did last year, which means that many kennels may be booked to capacity. Don’t wait til the last minute to save your pet’s place!

Pack Extra Everything

You’ll want to ask what you can and can’t bring for your furry buddy. Some kennels encourage you to bring things like food, toys, treats, and bedding. Others only utilize their own supplies. (This allows them to ensure that everything has been properly laundered, which helps prevent flea infestations.) Pack a few days extra of things like food, treats, and medicine, in case you are delayed.

Try An Overnight Stay

If your pet has never been to their hotel before, you may want to start them out with a quick overnight visit. This will help both you and your furry friend get a bit familiar with the kennel and how they operate. That will help make things less stressful when you go away for a longer trip.

Check Guidelines

Kennels all operate a little differently. Some have perks and upgrades, such as grooming or play sessions. Others may offer pet cams or other options. There’s also going to be some variation in kennel rules. Be sure to read everything over, and make sure that you are clear on things like drop off times, emergency procedures and protocols, and disclaimers. One thing that all decent kennels have in common? A requirement for proof of your pet’s vaccinations and parasite control.

Enjoy Your Trip

You may feel a little bad leaving your pet behind, but rest assured: going to a hotel is the best and safest option. You’ll be able to focus on your vacation, knowing that your beloved pet will be waiting for you with purrs, tail wags, and/or nose boops when you get home!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local Rockwall, TX animal clinic, we are here to help!

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North Star Animal Hospital