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New Year’s Resolutions for Puppies

January 1, 2019

Happy New Year! Are you starting 2019 out with a new puppy? If so, you’re definitely in for some adorable moments in the coming months. Little Fido may also have a lot on his agenda for the coming months. Here, a Castle Hills, TX vet lists some adorable New Year’s resolutions for puppies.


Man’s Best Friend loves going to new places. Change up your walking route to give little Fido new places to explore. Or, visit some dog-friendly parks or beaches.

Learn New Things

Little Fido has a lot to learn about the world! In addition to housebreaking and crate training, you’ll want to teach him basic obedience commands, like Sit , Stay , Come , Heel , and Lay Down . Start this ‘petucation’ right away!


Puppies are one of the cutest things on the planet, and they are at their most adorable when they’re feeling playful. Spend lots of time tossing a ball or stick for your furry pal, or letting him pull on a rope toy.

Make Friends

Socialization is very important! Fido should experience going to new places and meeting all sorts of new people while he’s still young. This will help him form an open mind about the world and, in turn, grow into a happy, friendly pooch. Take the little guy to some doggy parks, host puppy parties, or enroll him in puppygarten.

Lots Of Taste Tests

Dogs are very curious, and often use their mouths to explore the world. This can be a dangerous habit! Do some puppyproofing, and remove anything that could be dangerous. This includes small or sharp objects, plastic bags and ties, medicines, chemicals, and wires and cords. Keep personal items, like shoes, purses, and shirts, in closets or closed rooms.

Figure Out The Cat

Our feline buddies don’t really make a lot of sense to dogs. After all, they bathe voluntarily, go to the bathroom in boxes, and pounce without warning. (Sorry, Fido: we suspect that we’ll never entirely figure Fluffy out, either!)

Be A Good Boy

Dogs can form very strong bonds with their humans, and often love getting praised, petted, and cuddled. Your cute pet may very well want to figure out what behaviors get him these rewards!

Please reach out to us, your Castle Hills, TX vet clinic, anytime. We look forward to offering your canine companion great veterinary care in 2019 and beyond!

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North Star Animal Hospital