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Simple Ways To Alleviate Itching in Pets

March 15, 2024

Have you noticed that your furry friend has been itchy lately? If Fluffy or Fido only scratches occasionally, there’s likely no cause for concern. It’s totally normal to get a random itch every now and then! However, if your four-legged buddy seems to be dealing with constant or intense itching, it could be a sign of an underlying problem. A local San Antonio, TX veterinarian offers some insights on this below.

Schedule An Appointment At Our San Antonio, TX Animal Clinic ASAP

First and foremost, you’ll need to identify the reason behind your pet’s itching. There are various possible culprits.

Here are a few examples:

  • Allergies
  • Parasites, like fleas and mites,
  • Fungal Infections
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Shampoos
  • Dry Skin
  • Health issues
  • Stress

Some problems, such as using the wrong shampoo, can be easily fixed, while others, like bacterial infections, require proper veterinary care. There are various treatment options available, such as steroids or antihistamines. 

However, you won’t be able to address the issue until you pinpoint the cause. Doing the wrong thing may cause more harm than good. Make an appointment with your vet right away.

Keep Up With Your House Cleaning

Wash your pet’s bedding regularly, using a detergent that doesn’t have a strong scent. Don’t forget to check the bedding label for specific care instructions. If you can, use hot water when washing. 

Dusting and vacuuming are also important. Remember to change your air filters as well.

Stay On Top Of Your Yard Maintenance

Taking care of your property can also make a big difference, especially when dealing with fleas or ticks in outdoor areas.

Here are a few pointers:

  • Mow your lawn regularly. Tall grass can be a hiding spot for many bugs!
  • Remove any clutter, such as fallen branches and piles of leaves
  • Address any accumulation of still water. Standing water can quickly become a haven for mosquitoes. Dump out plant pots or buckets that have rain water in them.
  • Trim your hedges so they don’t touch your house.
  • Trim overhead branches to allow more sunlight to come through.
  • Consider incorporating beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, into your garden.

Try A Different Pet Shampoo

Did you know that shampoo might actually make your pet feel itchy? A lot of our furry buddies have sensitive skin. Your San Antonio, TX veterinarian might suggest a gentler option, like oatmeal shampoo. Also, make sure to rinse Fido or Fluffy thoroughly!

Consider Getting A Humidifier

Just like people, pets sometimes get dry skin. If your vet has examined your pet and concluded that dry skin is the culprit, you might want to consider investing in a humidifier.

It’s also important to make sure your furry bff stays properly hydrated. (Note: it’s always important to keep pets hydrated, regardless of whether or not they’re itchy!) Consider adding more water stations or investing in a smart waterer. 

Remember To Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming won’t replace proper treatment, but it can definitely help. If you’re dealing with a flea infestation, having a vacuum cleaner can be crucial for removing both fleas and eggs from your carpet. That’s very important if you’re facing an infestation, as you’ll need to break the life cycle.

Incorporate daily vacuuming into your routine for a while. After you’re done, dump the canister contents into a plastic bag, seal it tightly, and bring it outside for disposal. That will stop any eggs from hatching indoors.

Once the crisis subsides, you can scale back a bit. Focus on regularly cleaning your pet’s favorite napping spots, as well as any areas that get heavy foot traffic. Do more thorough vacuuming once a week.

Vacuuming can also be beneficial for pets with allergies, as it can help with getting rid of dust, pollen, and dander. Plus, it helps with fur removal!

Get A Pollen Tracker App

A pollen tracker app could be another good tool here. Keep an eye on the levels, particularly during peak pollen seasons, such as spring and fall. Reduce your furry pal’s outdoor time when the counts are high.

Always Keep Fluffy Indoors

This one really is more about prevention, but it’s still important. Cats that go outside are more likely to pick up fleas, ticks, or mites than indoor furballs. They’re also susceptible to chemical exposure and insect bites. Plus, having Fluffy stay indoors is just safer for her overall!

Revisit Your Pet’s Products, Especially If There Are Any New Ones

As mentioned above, if you’re not quite sure what’s causing your pet’s itching, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. If you’ve made any recent changes to your pet’s food, litter, or shampoo, or even got them a new bed, talk to your vet about it. You may want to give the old brand another try or look into a hypoallergenic alternative.

Keep Up With Your Pet’s Parasite Control

It’s much better to protect your pet from fleas and ticks than try and treat them! Visit your San Antonio, TX vet regularly, and keep your pet up to date on preventative care. 

Pet Wipedowns

When Fido goes outdoors, he tends to pick up dust and pollen on his paws and tummy. Keeping pet wipes by the door is a smart move. You could also use clean cloths and a spray bottle filled with water. That way, you can easily clean your furry companion before they come inside. 

Of course, you may need to get your canine pal on board with the idea. Teach Fido that he’ll get a delicious treat for letting you wipe him off.

Stick To A Consistent Grooming Schedule

Our furry pals all have their own individual grooming needs, but removing dead fur and dander from their coats is crucial to all of them. Your furry friend may get quite uncomfortable wearing a dead, dirty fur coat! Plus, they won’t be able to handle extreme temperatures as effectively.

You don’t want to go overboard, though: bathing pets too frequently can also lead to itching. Ask your vet for specific advice. 

Offer a Nutritious Meal Plan

Nutrition plays a significant role in your four-legged pal’s overall health, and also affects the condition of their skin and fur. Many dogs and cats benefit from foods that contain fatty acids, such as Omegas 3 and 6 oils. These ingredients are great for keeping their coats and skin well-nourished. Ask your veterinarian for specific advice.

Purrs And Tail Wags

Did you know that pets can sometimes get itchy because they’re feeling bored or anxious? Let’s look at our feline friends. When kitties are feeling stressed, they tend to either groom excessively or neglect their grooming altogether. Neither is good!  

Provide your pet with lots of toys, as well as small comforts, like beds. And don’t forget to carve out some quality time each day to spend with them!

Make Sure To Schedule Regular Appointments With Your Animal Clinic.

When it comes to looking after your pets, it’s always best to take a proactive approach rather than a reactive one. Regular check-ups are crucial for your beloved pet’s health and well-being!

Does your pet seem to be itching a lot lately? Feel free to contact us, your local animal clinic in San Antonio, TX, whenever you need assistance!

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