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Boarding Your Cat? A Local Castle Hills, TX Veterinarian Answers Some FAQS

February 1, 2024

Kitties are renowned for their independence. Man’s Second Best Friend is a pretty easy keeper. She won’t require walks, and spends most of her days snoozing. However, this doesn’t mean she can thrive without any care at all—she still needs daily meals and water, as well as stimulation and entertainment. If you’re planning on going away soon, you’ll need to make arrangements for your feline companion’s care. While cats may be fine by themselves for a night, anything longer will require either a pet sitter or boarding services. We always recommend opting for boarding, since leaving pets alone can pose risks in case of emergencies. A local Castle Hills, TX  vet answers some common questions about bringing Fluffy to a pet hotel in this article.

What Are The Benefits Of Boarding?

Cats are quite independent, so many people leave their kitties at home when they leave town, and just have someone check on them. That’s fine for an overnight stay, but any longer than that we do recommend boarding. Kitties get quite sad and lonely if they are left alone too long. Fluffy won’t be lonely, and she’ll be watched by a staff of caring professionals. You also won’t have to worry about her getting hurt or escaping. Ask your Castle Hills TX veterinarians for more information. 

What Should I Pack For My Cat’s Boarding Stay?

Food is, of course, the most important thing. Bring a few days’ extra, just in case you’re delayed. Using labeled baggies to portion the food out is a good call, and can help prevent mixups. We do not recommend changing brands just before boarding: dietary changes should be made slowly, over a few days. You’ll also need to bring any medication your kitty needs. 

Other than that, it’s a good idea to bring Fluffy some comfort items. You can bring your kitty’s favorite toys, her pet bed, or whatever smaller items you think she may enjoy. It’s not a bad idea to give her something that smells like you, like a shirt you recently slept in, to remind her of home.

Keep in mind that kennels all operate differently. Be sure to ask what you can and can’t bring.

How Do I Choose A Great Cat Boarding Facility?

You don’t want to leave your beloved pet in just anyone’s care! It’s important that you find the perfect place to leave your pet. Start by checking reviews and asking friends and family for references. It’s also a good idea to visit the facility and ask to see the area where your feline pal will be housed.

You may also want to ask the following questions:

  • How often will my cat be fed?
  • How often are water changes done?
  • How often are litterboxes cleaned?
  • What perks do you offer?
  • How do you handle emergencies? Do you immediately seek care, or contact me first? Does it vary depending on the situation?
  • What kind of training does the staff receive?
  • Do you have a vet on call or on site?
  • Are cats and dogs separated?
  • Will you play with my cat?
  • Does the climate control work?
  • Does the kennel have a loud noise?
  • What is the frequency of litterbox changes?
  • Do you offer any kitty amenities?

There are no bad questions. The more you know, the better. 

Can I Bring My Cat To The Kennel For A Short Stay?

Cats thrive on routine. Fluffy follows a consistent schedule for her regular naps, grooming sessions, and kitty yoga sessions. Introducing your feline companion to the kennel for a trial stay can definitely be beneficial. Even a brief overnight visit can make a difference! 

Your cat may initially be thrown off by the change in her daily routine, but it’s crucial for her to acclimate to the kennel. This will ease the transition when you need to leave for an extended period of time, as she will already be familiar with her surroundings.

Do I Have To Take My Cat To The Castle Hills, TX Veterinary Clinic Before She Stays At The Kennel?

We can’t overstate how important it is to make sure your kitty is current with her vaccinations and parasite control products. In fact, any decent boarding facility will require proof of this. If a kennel does not require copies of this paperwork, run. 

There is one gray area: If you have a kitten, there may be a grey zone period of time when Fluffy is in the process of completing a series of vaccines, and therefore isn’t fully vaccinated yet. Many kennels do not accept kittens younger than sixteen weeks for this reason. Others may agree, but keep the pet in quarantine. This also may vary depending on local regulations. Ask your Castle Hills, TX veterinarians for more information. 

Do Cats Get Sad And Depressed When You Leave For Vacation?

It’s easy to poke fun at Fluffy for being cold and aloof, but cats are actually much more emotional than many people realize. Kitties get extremely attached to their humans, even if they choose to show it in some strange ways. 

Your furry friend may be extremely cuddly and affectionate when you return home. Spend some quiet quality time with your cat, and get that motor going again. 

Will My Cat Forget Me While She’s At The Kennel?

You don’t have to worry about your kitty forgetting you. In general, cats have very good memories and think of humans as their second parents. Fluffy may be confused and upset at first, but that’s why doing a trial run can come in handy. 

As with people, coming home after a long absence is similar for cats. Your feline pal will be relieved to sleep in her own bed, and she’ll probably be ready to resume her busy daily schedule of doing nothing. 

How Do I Get Fluffy Used To Her Carrier?

Kitties tend to get scared and upset when they are taken out of their kingdoms. There are a few cats who enjoy traveling, but the majority are homebodies who do not like car rides.

If you want to help your pet get used to her carrier, you can keep it out between appointments. Add comfy bedding, catnip, and toys to make it cozy and inviting. It may be helpful to tuck the carrier in a quiet corner, so your pet thinks of it as a little hiding spot. You can also offer treats and praise near the carrier to help her form positive associations with it. That’s really important!

If all else fails, tell your pet to stay out of it. She’ll probably jump right in.

In Conclusion: cats may be independent, but they are also quite fragile and need proper care. It is definitely more responsible to take your cat to a kennel when you leave town.

Visit Our Castle Hills TX Pet Boarding Kennel To Book Your Pet’s Stay

Are you looking for a great place to leave your feline pal when you are away? We offer top-notch care, as well as several amenities. If you have any questions or concerns about boarding your cat at our kennel, please do not hesitate to contact us. As your Castle Hills TX veterinary clinic, we’re here to stay! 

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