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Easter Kitty Care

April 1, 2023

Easter is next Sunday! We know many of you will be gathering with your loved ones to celebrate the spring holiday with traditional foods and festivities. For those of you with kitties, it’s probably safe to say that your feline buddies will be underfoot and supervising everything closely as you prepare. Keep a close eye on Fluffy! A San Antonio, TX veterinarian offers some seasonal cat care tips below.

Be Cautious With Flowers 

Easter bouquets can add a colorful and cheery burst of color to your holiday spread, but be careful: those pretty flowers could be deadly to your furry friend. Lilies are likely the biggest concern here. They are very, very poisonous to cats. Fluffy could go into organ failure after just eating a leaf or drinking a little of the water! Day lilies and true lilies are the most dangerous. Those groups include several popular lilies, such as Tiger lilies, Easter lilies, and Wood lilies. However, any lily is unsafe. Many bulbed flowers, such as tulips and daffodils, are also toxic to your furball. 

Decoration Wisely

Our frisky feline pals have a tendency to want to play with the most dangerous thing within paws’ reach. Fluffy is particularly drawn to things with strings and cords. These things can choke, entangle, or even strangle kitties, and can cause serious—and potentially life-threatening—blockages if ingested. Be careful with things like lights, garlands, and streamers. That green fake grass you often find in Easter baskets is also a concern.

Offer Suitable Snacks 

Easter feasts often feature mouth-watering main courses, such as ham or roast beef. These foods should only be fed in tiny amounts, as they contain a lot of salt and fat. Those chocolate eggs and bunnies are also unsafe, as are avocados, grapes, raisins, and meat on the bone. If you want to spoil your furry bff, offer her some plain chicken or fish, without the skin, bones and fat. Ask your vet for more information.

Purr Activation 

Pet product manufacturers have been going all-in on making really cute seasonal pet products lately, and we love it. Why not get Fluffy a catnip Easter bunny, or an egg toy? If you want to go all-out, you can even pamper your feline overlord with a spring-themed bed. These things can also make for some adorable pictures! 

Happy Easter! Please contact us, your San Antonio, TX animal clinic, anytime. 

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North Star Animal Hospital