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Things Your Cat Would Do if She Had Thumbs

March 1, 2021

Did you know that March 3rd is If Pets Had Thumbs Day? If not, you probably aren’t alone. It’s hardly a national holiday! It’s always fun to wonder about what our pets are thinking, and what sort of mischief they’d get into if they had the chance. Of course, our feline pals get into plenty of mischief as it is, so it’s probably safe to assume that they’d wreak all sorts of havoc if they suddenly grew thumbs. A Castle Hills TX vet lists a few possibilities below.

Cupboard Raid

Kitties are very curious, if not downright nosy. Fluffy would likely go snooping through all of your closets, cabinets, and cupboards, and then ransack all of your drawers. You may come home to find all of your belongings in a pile on the floor. Your feline buddy may also well peel the labels off your canned goods, just because that’s the sort of thing a cat with thumbs would do. 

Head Outdoors

If kitties grew thumbs, we suspect that many of them would waste no time in opening doors. Once outside, Fluffy may very well try to ramp up her hunting skills. Your pet may start using nets or other tools to increase her chances of catching prey. (Note: Given that cats do kill billions of small animals a year, it’s actually a good thing for the sake of wildlife that they don’t have thumbs!)

Throw Away Your Kitchenware

Have you ever dropped a pan, and seen your feline friend hightailing it out of the room at full kitty speed? Fluffy isn’t a big fan of loud noises, so it’s not surprising that the clatter of pots and pans can really rub her the wrong way. It wouldn’t exactly be out of character for your pet to decide that the best way to curb all kitchen clatter would be to throw out all of your cookware. 

Beauty Session

Many of our furry buddies actually like being brushed! Fluffy may very well try to pamper herself.

Online Shopping

We wouldn’t put an Amazon shopping spree past Fluffy. You could likely expect to find packages piled up at your door. What would kitties buy? Furniture, live fish, beds, toys, and something completely random, like a painting kit. 

As your Castle Hills TX veterinary clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Call us today! 

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