Has your pet been fixed yet? If not, we strongly recommend getting this done as soon as possible! Read on as a San Antonio, TX vet lists some reasons to spay or neuter your four-legged pal.
There are some definite health benefits to getting your furry friend fixed. For females, the procedure will help prevent breast tumors and uterine infections, both of which are often malignant. In males, it will fight prostate issues and testicular cancer. Ask your vet for more information.
Another important reason for spaying or neutering is that pets are naturally calmer after the procedure. You may also find your furry friend better behaved afterwards, since the urge to mate drives many unwanted behaviors, such as spraying and mounting. And, while it isn’t a cure-all for every bad habit, neutering often reduces aggression in male pets, as they aren’t dealing with hormones and natural urges anymore. Plus, they’ll be less likely to try and run off to go looking for love.
Pet overpopulation is a very serious problem. With so many lovable pets in shelters, it’s hard to justify allowing more unwanted litters into the world. One pair of kitties can produce 420,000 descendants in just seven years. Or, to put it another way, over 11,606,077 kittens can come from just one cat in nine years! As for our canine pals, one dog and her puppies can produce 67,000 puppies in six years. That sounds like an adorable problem to have, but the sad truth is that unwanted litters are one of the main reasons so many pets are euthanized each year. And, even if you do manage to find great homes for your pet’s babies, there’s no guarantee that their offspring won’t end up on the street, or worse, in a bad home. Spaying and neutering is simply the responsible thing to do.
Have you ever heard an amorous cat howling? Fluffy may be cute, but she’s a terrible singer. Oddly, other cats seem to actually find the sound appealing.) Getting your feline buddy fixed will spare you and your neighbors from having to listen to kitty love songs in the middle of the night.
Do you want to schedule spay/neuter surgery for your pet? Please feel free to contact us, your San Antonio, TX vet clinic, anytime.